A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Nezha Acil
PDRA – EO Scientist | University of Leicester
Professor Richard Allan
Professor | Energy, Flux and Water Cycle | University of Reading
Global warming; water cycle.
0118 378 5568
Dr Jasdeep Anand
ESA Fellow | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Leicester
Atmospheric chemistry
Cathrine Armour
NCEO Non Executive Director | NCEO Executive Team | University of Leicester
Professor Heiko Balzter
Professor | Terrestrial Carbon and Vegetation | University of Leicester
Remote sensing of forest structure and dynamics; Land-atmosphere interactions; biomass fires.
0116 2523820
Dr Ross Bannister
Research Fellow | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Covective-scale data assimilation; inverse modelling; background error covariance modelling; parameter estimation.
Dr Richard Bantges
Scientific Project Manager | Energy, Flux and Water Cycle | Imperial College London
Radiative transfer; cloud spectral signatures; mission design, instrumentation and data calibration and intercalibration.
020 7594 7664
Dr Emma Barton
Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Land-atmosphere interaction, in particular using Earth Observation data to identify soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks.
Dr Mary Black
NCEO Non Executive Director | NCEO Executive Team | University of Leicester
Dr Helen Brindley
Co-director of EO Data and Model Evaluation | NCEO Executive Team | Imperial College London
Capability Lead for Energy, Flux and water cycle; integrated climate data-models; radiation budget.
Antonio Bruno
PhD Student (Dr Jeremy Harrison Supervisor) | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Leicester
0116 2522771
Dr Claire Bulgin
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Reading
Cloud detection for sea and land surface temperature retrieval. Uncertainty characterisation and propagation for satellite retrieved surface temperature. Satellite image classification including land, sea, sea-ice, cloud and aerosol. Aerosol-cloud interactions and satellite retrieval of aerosol optical properties.
Mr Iain Bye
Research Assistant | Remote Sensing Instruments | Swansea University
Dr Elisa Carboni
Postdoctoral Research Associate | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Satellite remote sensing of volcanic emission in atmosphere: SO2 and ash. My research is focused on algorithms for detection and retrieval of SO2 for METOP data.
01235 445793
Ka Lok Chan
Post Doctoral Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Yumeng Chen
Data Assimilation Scientific Programmer | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Professor Martyn Chipperfield
Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry | Atmosphere-Surface Data Assimilation | University of Leeds
Capability Lead Atmosphere-Surface Data Assimilation; Chemistry of the global stratosphere and troposphere; studying the impact of global pollution and its interaction with climate change.
Dr Dan Clewley
Earth Observation Research Software Engineer | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Dan’s role is to lead the operation of Earth Observation services at PML, specifically focusing on software design and computing infrastructure. Dan is part of a team who ensure data from multiple satellites is downloaded and processed every day and made available to scientists for use in their research.
Esther Conway
Data scientist | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
01235 44 6367
Daniel Coxon
Spectroscopy Research Associate | EO Radiative Transfer | University of Leicester
Professor Sarah Dance
Director of the NCEO Data Assimilation division | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Francis Devon
PhD Student | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
0118 378 7843
Dr Sandip Dhomse
Research Fellow | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Leeds
Stratospheric chemistry and dynamics, satellite data, climate modelling, solar climate interaction, volcanic aerosol, air quality, meteorite smoke particles, statistics
Dr Mathias Disney
Reader in Remote Sensing in the Department of Geography | Terrestrial Carbon and Vegetation | University College London
Interactions of radiation with the land surface, especially vegetation; carbon cycle.
Dr Steve Donegan
Data scientist | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
01235 778123
Natalie Douglas
Post Doctoral Research Associate | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Dr Anu Dudhia
University Research Lecturer | EO Radiative Transfer | University of Oxford
Infrared remote sounding of atmospheric temperature and composition; radiative transfer.
01865 272922
Dr Owen Embury
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | University of Reading
Advanced sea surface temperature remote sensing, involving image classification, inverse theory and big data.
Dr Liang Feng
Research Associate | Atmosphere-Surface Data Assimilation | University of Edinburgh
Data Assimilation
Ms Catherine Fitzsimons
Outreach; schools resources. | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Leicester
0116 252 2590
Dr Alison Fowler
Postdoctoral Research Scientist | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Data assimilation applied to geoscience.
Dr Darren Ghent
Project Scientist | Terrestrial Carbon and Vegetation | University of Leicester
Land surface temperature; data products.
0116 229 7719
Mr Jack Gillespie
Operations technician | Remote Sensing Instruments | University of Edinburgh
Operations Technician for the NERC Field Spectroscopy Facility
Ailish Graham
Research Fellow | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Leeds
Professor Don Grainger
Reader in Atmospheric Physics | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | University of Oxford
Space instruments to measure properties of the Earth’s atmosphere; aerosols.
01865 272 888
Mr Steve Groom
Director | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Director of NEODAAS-Plymouth.
Dr Mark Grosvenor
Postdoctoral Research Associate | Remote Sensing Instruments | Kings College London
His research currently focusses on the set up and operation of the Fire Emissions Testing Chamber (FETCh) to allow analysis of gas and particulate emissions from controlled experimental fires.
Professor Keith Haines
Capability Lead on Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation | Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation | University of Reading
Capability Lead on Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation; Marine and Coupled Model Data Assimilation; Ocean Reanalysis for Climate Analysis and Forecasting; Climate data Visualisation and Model Evaluation.
0118 378 8742
Thomas Hall
Research Assistant | Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation | University of Reading
0118 987 5123
Steven Hancock
FSF Director | Field Spectroscopy Facility | University of Edinburgh
Remote sensing for ecology and climate studies
Bethan Harris
Research Associate Land Atmosphere Scientist | Land Surface and Atmosphere | Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Dr Jeremy Harrison
Capability Lead | EO Radiative Transfer | University of Leicester
Capability Lead for EO Radiative Transfer for the Atmosphere; Spectroscopy; Satellite Retrievals of Trace Gases.
0116 223 1943
Dr Jiangping He
Research Computing Officer | NCEO Science Support Team | Kings College London
Research Computing Officer
Jane Hull
PA to the director | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Leicester
0116 2522016
Dr Neil Humpage
Postdoctoral Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Leicester
Calibration and deployment of the GHOST airborne spectrometer; in-situ FTIR observations of trace gases
William Jay
Research Scientist | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Responsible for data processing requests and NEODAAS training course. Research currently focuses on optical remote sensing, coastal biodiversity and habitat mapping.
Dr Brian Kerridge
Senior research scientist | EO Radiative Transfer | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
New techniques to retrieve distributions of atmospheric constituents from satellite observations.
01235 446524
Dr Phil Kershaw
Head of Earth Observation at CEDA | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Capability Lead, Head of Earth Observation at CEDA.
01235 446277
Alexander Kurganskiy
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Net Zero | University of Edinburgh
Mr Philip Kershaw
Technical Manager at CEDA | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Dr Diane Knappett
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | EO Data and Model Evaluation | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Thermal infrared (7.9 micron) retrievals of methane from IASI. Development of short-wave infrared (3.7 micron) methane retrievals from IASI to achieve greater sensitivity to methane in the atmospheric boundary layer. Identifying and attributing methane sources.
Angus Laurenson
Software Programmer for EO | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Python programming for Earth observation specialist.
Dr Barry Latter
Project Scientist | EO Radiative Transfer | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Atmospheric composition retrieval for air quality Radiative transfer Multi-decadal data production of Global Ozone Near Real Time (NRT) data production of Global Ozone
01235 446911
Dr Amos Lawless
Head of Data Assimilation Methodology and the NCEO Training Lead | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Optimization techniques for data assimilation; Hamiltonian systems, multi-scale systems, morphodynamic prediction and imposing balance in variational data assimilation.
Jennifer Lockhart
Facility staff | Remote Sensing Instruments | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Dr Mark Lomas
Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Sheffield
Global land surface carbon & hydrological cycles via dynamic vegetation models
0114 2671102
Zixia Lui
Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | Kings College London
Mr Shannon Mason
Project scientist | Energy, Flux and Water Cycle | University of Reading
07421 774264
Niall McCarroll
Research Software Engineer | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Reading
Professor Chris Merchant
Capability Lead for Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | University of Reading
Capability Lead for Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems; Marine climate, variability and change; climate data records from Earth observation; temperature across all of Earth’s surfaces.
Alex Merrington
PHD Student | Remote Sensing Instruments | University of Edinburgh
Dr Peter Miller
NEODAAS technical lead | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Automated feature detection from oceanic satellite data; harmful algal blooms; near-real time and operational Earth observation.
Dr David Moffat
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Data Scientist | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
David is an AI and ML Data Scientist as part of NEODAAS. He works on applying Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques to Earth Observation data to formulate a better understanding of the natural world.
David is an applied AI researcher. His background is in applied AI, with a focus on audio and time series data, after having studied Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science(BSc) at Edinburgh University, before studying digital signal processing, digital music processing and computer science at Queen Mary University of London (MSc. and PhD).
Dr David Moore
Project scientist | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Leicester
Global mapping of trace gas carbon species from space; quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions; air quality and climate.
Dr Kamil Mroz
Project scientist | Energy, Flux and Water Cycle | University of Leicester
0116 294 4576
Professor Nancy Nichols
Professor | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Numerical solution of differential equations; boundary value problems and singular perturbations; numerical linear algebra; robust control system design; applications of optimal control theory; data assimilation.
0118 378 8988
Professor Peter North
Professor | EO Radiative Transfer | Swansea University
Global satellite remote sensing to improve understanding of climate change, forest resources and the role of land/atmosphere interactions.
01792 295234
Dan Orr
PHD Student | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Leicester
Professor Paul Palmer
NCEO Science Director | NCEO Executive Team | University of Edinburgh
Atmospheric Composition and Carbon Cycle.
Silvia Pardo
Physical oceanographer (Remote sensing) | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ocean colour science.
Dr Robert Parker
ESA Living Planet Research Fellow | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Leicester
Greenhouse Gas Measurements From Space
Dale Partridge
Modeller | Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ivo Pasmans
Research Associate | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Data Assimilation methods for a discontinuous Galerkin sea-ice model.
Ankita Patel
Software & Data Engineer | University of Leicester
Fazila Patel
NCEO Digital Comms Officer | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Leicester
Kevin Pearson
Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | Swansea University
Sam Pepler
CEDA Curation Manager | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Dr Michael Perry
Postdoctoral Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Leicester
Land Surface Temperature, Urban Heat Island, Urban Energy Balance
Matilda Pimlott
PhD Student | Atmosphere-Surface Data Assimilation | University of Leeds
Dr Ewan Pinnington
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
Dr Richard Pope
Project scientist | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Leeds
Air quality; atmospheric chemistry modelling; Earth observation of tropospheric chemistry; synoptic weather and air pollution links.
Dr Adam Povey
ESA Living Planet fellowship | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | University of Oxford
Aerosol-cloud interactions from satellite and ground-based sensors; changes in cloud properties near aerosol sources, such as heavy industry or volcanoes.
Dr Tristan Quaife
Research scientist | Land Data Assimilation | University of Reading
Remote sensing of vegetation; land surface modelling; data assimilation.
Graham Quartly
Physical oceanographer (Remote sensing) | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Satellite remote-sensing of the ocean, analysis of model output and observations from ships and buoys/drifters.
Professor Shaun Quegan
Professor | Terrestrial Carbon and Vegetation | University of Sheffield
Earth’s carbon balance; ecosystem modelling; forest observations from space.
Dr Robbie Ramsay
Earth Observation Equipment Specialist | University of Edinburgh
Robbie operates the in-house optical calibration laboratory, ensuring the calibration, validation and quality assurance of the facility’s field and laboratory equipment.
Professor John Remedios
NCEO Director | NCEO Executive Team | University of Leicester
Linking surface change with atmospheric composition.
0116 223 1319 or 0116 252 2016 (PA Jane Hull)
Dr Shubha Sathyendranath
Remote Sensing Scientist | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ocean colour modelling; light penetration underwater; bio-optical properties and functional types of phytoplankton; primary production; bio-geochemical cycles in the sea; climate change; biological-physical interactions in the marine system; ecological indicators.
Dr Nick Selmes
Postdoctoral Research Associate | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Dr Richard Siddans
Senior Project Scientist | Climate-Composition Interaction | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Atmospheric science at CEDA.
01235 446428
Dr Jozef Skakala
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | EO Data and Model Evaluation | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Ecosystem Modelling
Dr Luke Smallman
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Edinburgh
Using models and model-data fusion to improve our understanding of the underlying ecological processes governing ecosystem processes (such as growth, mortality and decomposition)
Rui Song
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Oxford
Sally Stevens
Space4Climate Communications & Engagement Manager | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Reading
Thea Stevens
Phd Student | Climate-Composition Interaction | University of Reading
Changes in Upper tropospheric Humidity
John Stevenson
Communications Team | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Leicester
Emma Sullivan
Research Scientist | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Responsible for data processing for requests and NEODAAS training course. Research currently focuses on optical remote sensing, coastal biodiversity and habitat mapping.
David Surcham
PHD Student | Ocean-Atmosphere Data Assimilation | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
07522 336870
Dr Ranjini Swaminathan
Postdoctoral Researcher NCEO University of Reading | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | University of Reading
Earth System Model Evaluation
Jemima Tabeart
PhD Student | Data Assimilation Framework and Theory | University of Reading
0118 3784021
Dr Chris Taylor
Meteorologist | Atmosphere-Surface Data Assimilation | Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
How land surface properties, such as soil moisture and vegetation cover, influence weather and climate.
Dr Gareth Thomas
Project scientist | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Atmospheric science at CEDA
Tara Thompson
Communication Manager | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Leicester
Dr Tim Trent
Water Vapour Scientist | Energy, Flux and Water Cycle | University of Leicester
Climate and Variability of Water Vapour in the Troposphere.
Dr Karen Veal
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University of Leicester
Land surface temperature retrievals, analysis, uncertainties.
0116 229 7705
Dr Lucy Ventress
Researcher | Climate-Composition Interaction | STFC RAL Space, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Satellite retrievals; volcanic ash.
Cristina Ruiz Villena
Post Doctoral Research Associate | Land Surface and Atmosphere | University of Leicester
Dr Peter Walker
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | NEODAAS | Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Dr Alison Waterfall
Data scientist | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
01235 445170
Dr Phil Wilkes
Project scientist | Terrestrial Carbon and Vegetation | University College London
p.wilkes ‘at’ ucl.ac.uk
Skype kungphil
Professor Mathew Williams
Capability lead for Land Data Assimilation | Land Data Assimilation | University of Edinburgh
Quantifying and understanding the terrestrial carbon cycle
Mr Ed Williamson
Assistant Data Scientist at CEDA | Data Centre | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
edward.williamson ‘at’ stfc.ac.uk
01235 446275
Dr Chris Wilson
Research Fellow | Integrated Climate Data-Model Systems | University of Leeds
Chemical transport modelling; inverse transport modelling to quantify surface emissions of greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Professor Martin Wooster
Director of EO Instrumentation and Facilities | NCEO Executive Team | Kings College London
Capability Lead for Remote Sensing Instruments; landscape fires, wildfires and carbon, biomass burning emissions to the atmosphere; FTIR and field spectroscopy, Earth surface energy budget, emissivity and temperature determination; use of low-cost UAV technology.
Dr Qingling Wu
Postdoctoral Research Associate | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University College London
Applying state-of-the-art image processing, data mining, and modelling techniques to the understanding of global environmental change.
Dr Weidong Xu
Postdoctoral Research Associate | Remote Sensing Instruments | Kings College London
Monitoring land surface dynamics with thermal remote sensing. More recently my research has involved applying thermal remote sensing techniques to address key questions regarding fire impact and effects. This research has involved the development of a global fire detection and characterisation algorithm.
Dr Feng Yin
Postdoctoral Research Assistant | EO Data and Model Evaluation | University College London
Svetlana Zolotikova
NCEO International Projects Coordinator | NCEO Science Support Team | University of Leicester