Dr Ross Bannister NCEO Research FellowData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in inverse problems relating to the Earth system using data assimilation, which helps to infer valuable information about the environment,…
Role: Research Fellow
Alison Fowler
Alison Fowler Research FellowData Assimilation Research interests My work focuses on the development of data assimilation theory and its application to meteorology and oceanography. I am particularly interested in bias correction and…
Ailish Graham
Ailish Graham Postdoctoral ResearcherEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I use regional (WRF-Chem) and global (TOMCAT) atmospheric chemistry transport models to understand processes leading to high concentrations of air pollution and to quantify…
Darren Ghent
Darren Ghent Senior Research FellowEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Has an interest in thermal remote sensing and land-atmosphere interactions. Works on land surface temperature retrievals, validation and exploitation, including for climate science…
Dr Luke Smallman
Dr Luke Smallman Research Fellow – Terrestrial C-dynamics EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in understanding how terrestrial ecosystems function. I combine process-models with observations to constrain ecosystem states…
Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson Research ScientistObserving the Atmosphere Research interests I am interested in quantifying and monitoring emissions of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric species. I work with inverse modelling methods, satellite retrievals of…