Dr Nezha Acil, an NCEO research scientist based at the University of Leicester, is the lead author in a study recently published in Nature Sustainability that analysed global forest disturbance patterns from 2002 to 2014 using satellite data.
Tag: climate
Hazardous Weather
In our changing climate, hazardous weather events such as storms, floods, wind, snow and ice, and fog events are expected to become more extreme. Our ability to manage these hazards is dependent on timely and accurate weather forecasts.
Sea Ice Data Assimilation
Arctic sea ice is a crucial component of the climate system. The radiation balance and the dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean have strong interactions with sea ice. Observations show that the extent of Arctic Sea ice has been declining over the last few decades. This could have a significant impact on the climate, ecosystems and human activities and highlights the need for improved sea ice prediction.
Carbon Monoxide/Reactive trace gases
Long-term satellite observations of carbon monoxide and other reactive trace gases in the atmosphere help us to understand the role of these gases in a changing climate and the change in these gases over time.
New directors drive next phase of national climate science partnership
Leading UK climate science organisations are driving forwards a national alliance focused on climate solutions for society, led by new co-directors Professor Cath Senior and Professor Michael Meredith.
The National Centre for Earth Observation Scientists join the UK delegation at COP28
NCEO scientists are joining the strong UK delegation of Earth Observation experts taking quality, trusted data to the forefront of future policy decisions.
An inevitable climate breach?
Latest inventory of Earth’s heating rate using state of the art Earth Observation measurements,