Professor Helen Brindley Divisional DirectorEnergy and Water Cycles Research interests I am interested in quantifying and understanding variability and change in the Earth’s Radiation budget. I develop ground-, aircraft- and satellite-based instrumentation…
Role: Divisional Director
Professor Mathias (Mat) Disney
Professor Mathias (Mat) Disney Divisional Director Carbon CycleCarbon cycle: land, atmosphere and oceans Research interests I am interested in vegetation – particularly trees, forests and the carbon cycle. I use EO data…
Professor Paul Palmer
Professor Paul Palmer NCEO Science DirectorEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Atmospheric chemistry, carbon cycle science, inverse modelling, satellite remote sensing. Recent publications Contact details University of Edinburgh 0131 650 7724
Professor Martin Wooster
Professor Martin Wooster Divisional DirectorEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in all aspects of fire in the Earth system, and on a variety of applications of thermal remote sensing…