Nezha Acil

Nezha Acil Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests My research interests revolve around Earth Observation, geocomputation, landscape ecology and forest conservation. Current focus is on studying global forest dynamics as captured…

Jasdeep Singh Anand

Jasdeep Singh Aanad Postdoctoral Research Associate Research interests Validation of satellite datasets of land surface temperature (LST) using in-situ radiometers. Also involved in the calibration and deployment of in-situ radiometers for satellite…

Heiko Balzter

Heiko Balzter Professor EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Forest biomass, carbon cycle, forest disturbances, forest alerts Recent publications Contact details University of Leicester N/A

Sophie Bricknell

Sophie Bricknell EOS Project Finance Officer & Group Administrator Research interests Finance, Operations and Administration Contact details National Centre for Earth ObservationSpace Park Leicester92 Corporation RdLeicester LE4 5SP +44 (0)116 373 6060…

Antonio Giovanni Bruno

Antonio Giovanni Bruno Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am currently working on two ESA funded projects: LOLIPOP and Water Vapour CCI. Recent publications Contact details University of Leicester N/A…

Michael Cartwright

Michael Cartwright Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests The focus of my work is on the satellite observations of solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence, which is ground-based emissions of infrared radiation…

Daniel Coxon

Daniel Coxon Research AssociateEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests New quantitative measurements and derivation of spectroscopic line parameters of atmospheric gases for remote sensing. Recent publications Contact details National Centre for Earth…

Catherine Fitzsimons

Catherine Fitzsimons Outreach OfficerOperations Support Responsibilities My role is to support NCEO staff in sharing their research with young people, educators and adults who want to know more about Earth observation and…

Rocio Barrio Guillo

Rocio Barrio Guillo Research Associate Research interests I am interested in Land Surface Temperature (LST) satellite data application and validation. I work with LST data which is important for applications such as…

Jeremy Harrison

Jeremy Harrison NCEO Spectroscopy Leader EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am the lead scientist of the SPENSER facility at Space Park Leicester, with expertise in the laboratory spectroscopy needed for…

Neil Humpage

Neil Humpage Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in ground-based and airborne remote sensing of atmospheric composition, with a primary focus on measuring greenhouse gases. Amongst…

Darren Ghent

Darren Ghent Senior Research FellowEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests Has an interest in thermal remote sensing and land-atmosphere interactions. Works on land surface temperature retrievals, validation and exploitation, including for climate science…
Blank Silhouette Passport Photo

Zhongwei Liu

Zhongwei Liu Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in fire weather extremes, exploring how extreme weather conditions contribute to wildfire risk. My focus also includes climate change, examining…
Adriana Iorga

Adriana Iorga

Adriana Iorga PhD StudentCarbon Cycle Research interests I use regional (WRF-Chem) and global (TOMCAT) atmospheric chemistry transport models to understand processes leading to high concentrations of air pollution and to quantify the…

Supriya Mantri

Supriya Mantri PhD Student Research interests I am interested in satellite-retrieved aerosol data, validation, air quality, and human health. In my Ph.D. project, I am retrieving a novel aerosol dataset at high…

Rhys Meredith

Rhys Meredith Finance and Contracts officer Operations support Research interests I am responsible for making sure the NCEO grants are fully utilised. Recent publications Contact details University of Leicester 0116 229 7660…

Rose Meadows

Rose Meadows Outreach Officer for the Earth from SpaceNCEO Support Team Research interests I am passionate about engaging people with a range of STEM subjects and sharing my passion for the Earth…

Bhavna Mistry

Bhavna Mistry Finance OfficerOperations Support Responsibilities Project finance for NCEO research programmes. Contact details National Centre for Earth ObservationSpace Park Leicester92 Corporation RdLeicester LE4 5SP 0116 373 6078

David Moore

David Moore Research Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in measuring atmospheric composition using space-borne satellite instrumentation. I’ve developed a number of retrieval schemes to measure atmospheric composition from…

Kamil Mroz

Kamil Mroz Radiation and Precipitation Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests My primary research interests lie in understanding cloud and precipitation processes and their responses to climate change. I specialise in developing…

Rob Parker

Rob Parker Lecturer in Earth Observation EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests My research interests centre around improving our understanding of key terrestrial processes relevant to climate change, in particular related to the…

Ankita Pant

Ankita Pant Social Responsibility OfficerOperations Support Research interests My work is focused on strategically guiding the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives and operational efforts in the organisation, with a focus on…
Fazila Patel

Fazila Patel

Fazila Patel Digital Communications OfficerOperations Support Responsibilities My role includes managing NCEO’s digital communication acitivities and channels, including social media, newsletter and websites. I create a range of digital content (videos, images,…

Shrijana Poudel

Shrijana Poudel PhD studentEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in understanding the response of tropical forests to climate change due to disturbances, such as fire, drought, and deforestation. My research…

Dr Adam Povey

Dr Adam Povey Lecturer in Earth ObservationEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I observe the interactions between clouds, aerosols, and their environment in order to understand how humans affect the climate, precipitation, and…