Farrer Owsley-Brown PhD StudentEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Remote sensing of wildfire combustion phase. Recent publications Contact details King’s College London farrer.owsley-brown@kcl.ac.uk
Institute: UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Dr Bethan Harris
Dr Bethan Harris Land-Atmosphere Scientist EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in land-atmosphere interactions, and especially in how the land surface can provide subseasonal-to-seasonal predictability for the atmosphere. I work…
Emma Barton
Emma Barton MeteorologistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in interactions between the surface (in particular soil moisture), storms and their associated hazards (e.g. lightning). I work with satellite / in-situ…
Esther Conway
Esther Conway Senior Earth Observation Data Scientist EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests Data Exploitation and reuse EO data tools Recent publications Contact details CEDA esther.conway@stfc.ac.uk