Tim Trent

Tim Trent NCEO Research Fellow/Lecturer in Earth Observation Research interests I am interested in fast domain processes within the hydrological cycle and the relationship between climate change and the earth’s energy balance.…

Tara Thompson

Tara Thompson Communications and Engagement Manager Research interests I lead the communications and engagement activities at NCEO. My team are responsible for all internal and external communications, digital communication resources, science and…
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Lavinia Toso

Lavinia Toso PhD StudentEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I work on monitoring halogenated species, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), using atmospheric sounders to support the Montreal Protocol. These species release halogen atoms that…
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Poppy Townsend

Poppy Townsend Communications Manager Research interests I am interested in understanding how people use environmental data and improving user experience – through the use of storytelling and other creative non-traditional methods. I…

Wanxin Yang

Wanxin Yang Research Fellow EO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in forest structure and biomass. I work on LiDAR data, especially employing terrestrial laser scanning data to develop 3D…

Dr Cristina Ruiz Villena

Dr Cristina Ruiz Villena Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in greenhouse gases, the carbon cycle and combining climate models and data. I work on Environmental Digital…

Karen Veal

Karen Veal Surface Temperature Postdoctoral Research Associate Research interests I am interested in Earth surface temperature and how it relates to environmental change. I work on improving land surface temperatures from satellite…

Toby Wainwright

Toby Wainwright PhD Student Research interests Current research focuses on quantifying the air quality impacts of agricultural biomass burning in the upper ASEAN region and using ground-truth PM2.5 observations to validate air…
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Mathew Williams

Mathew Williams ProfessorData Assimilation Research interests carbon cycle, ecosystem processes, model-data fusion, biomass dynamics, science-policy interactions. Recent publications Contact details University of Edinburgh 0131 650 7776 mat.williams@ed.ac.uk.

Chris Wilson

Chris Wilson Research ScientistObserving the Atmosphere Research interests I am interested in quantifying and monitoring emissions of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric species. I work with inverse modelling methods, satellite retrievals of…

Abigail Marie Waring

Abigail Marie Waring PhD StudentLand Surface Temperature Research interests Polar climate science and glaciology, land and ice surface temperatures, climate and weather data from space, Earth observation and artificial intelligence and machine…

Professor Martin Wooster

Professor Martin Wooster Divisional DirectorEO Instrumentation and Facilities Research interests I am interested in all aspects of fire in the Earth system, and on a variety of applications of thermal remote sensing…

Feng Yin

Feng Yin Research AssociateEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in optical satellite data preprocessing, biophysical information retrieval and crop yield modelling. I work on extracting crop-related information from satellite data…

Fei Yao

Fei Yao Research Scientist Research interests I am interested in atmospheric composition modelling and remote sensing. I work on the GEOS-Chem Adjoint model, which provides an efficient approach to interpreting geostationary satellite…

Songyan Zhu

Songyan Zhu Post Doctoral Research AssociateData Assimilation Research interests I am interested in terrestrial ecosystem carbon sequestration and modelling. I work on the satellite data-model (DALEC) fusion framework CARDAMOM, which assimilates Earth…
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Daniel Ayers

Daniel Ayers PhD Student Research interests Efficient estimation of dynamical instability in chaotic systems using machine learning. Recent publications Contact details University of Reading 0118 987 5123 d.ayers@pgr.reading.ac.uk
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Emma Barton

Emma Barton MeteorologistEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in interactions between the surface (in particular soil moisture), storms and their associated hazards (e.g. lightning). I work with satellite / in-situ…
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Dr Lakshmi Bharathan

Dr Lakshmi Bharathan Postdoctoral Research Associate EO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in observations of greenhouse gases and aerosols from space. I currently focus on analyzing and optimizing satellite observations…
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Laura Carrea

Laura Carrea Postdoctoral Research AssistantEO Data-Model Evaluation Research interests I am interested in thermal characterisation and dynamic of coastal and inland waters and on their influence on climate and local weather. I…