Dr Nezha Acil, an NCEO research scientist based at the University of Leicester, is the lead author in a study recently published in Nature Sustainability that analysed global forest disturbance patterns from 2002 to 2014 using satellite data.
Tag: carbon
Preserving England’s Ancient Oaks with Cutting-Edge Technology
At the National Centre for Earth Observation, researchers Professor Mat Disney and Dr. Cecilia Chavana-Bryant are at the forefront of efforts to study England’s ancient oaks with cutting edge technology.
LiDAR scanning uncovers huge amount of carbon stored in a Mozambique forest
A group of environmental scientists have conducted research, using laser pulses, to measure exactly how much carbon is stored in the tree trunks and branches of a forest in Mozambique’s Gilé National Park.
Ocean biogeochemistry
Ocean biogeochemistry and ecosystems are an essential Earth system component, both because of their uptake of antrophogenic carbon emissions (through biological carbon pump, i.e. air-sea fluxes, photosynthesis in the ocean and transport of carbon to the ocean bottom) and for providing living resources for billions of people around the world.
NCEO scientists contribute to study which reveals the changing role of the Amazon rainforest in the global carbon cycle
NCEO scientists at the University of Leeds and the University of Edinburgh have contributed to a study of land carbon sinks and sources in the Amazon.
The National Centre for Earth Observation Scientists join the UK delegation at COP28
NCEO scientists are joining the strong UK delegation of Earth Observation experts taking quality, trusted data to the forefront of future policy decisions.