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Our People

Dr Yumeng Chen

Data Assimilation Scientific Programmer
Data Assimilation

Research interests

I am interested in the implementation of data assimilation and its applications to climate systems. I work on the parameter estimations in sea ice models, the data assimilation library, parallel data assimilation framework (PDAF), and its application to ocean biogeochemistry models and other fields.

Recent publications

Accurate deep learning-based filtering for chaotic dynamics by identifying instabilities without an ensemble. 2024-09-01

Tailoring data assimilation to discontinuous Galerkin models. 2024-07

A Python interface to the Fortran-based Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: pyPDAF v1.0.0. 2024-06-11

Multivariate state and parameter estimation with data assimilation applied to sea-ice models using a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology. 2024-05-14

DAPPER: Data Assimilation with Python: a Package for Experimental Research. 2024-02-29

Simplified Kalman smoother and ensemble Kalman smoother for improving reanalyses. 2023-07-27

Deep learning subgrid-scale parametrisations for short-term forecasting of sea-ice dynamics with a Maxwell elasto-brittle rheology. 2023-07-21

Ensemble Data Assimilation in NEMO using PDAF. 2023-05-15

Arctic sea ice data assimilation combining an ensemble Kalman filter with a novel Lagrangian sea ice model for the winter 2019–2020. 2023-04-25

Learning and screening of neural networks architectures for sub-grid-scale parametrizations of sea-ice dynamics from idealised twin experiments. 2022-03-27

Inferring the instability of a dynamical system from the skill of data assimilation exercises. 2021-12-23

Extending legacy climate models by adaptive mesh refinement for single-component tracer transport: a case study with ECHAM6-HAMMOZ (ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3-MOZ1.0). 2021-05-03

Comparison of dimensionally split and multi-dimensional atmospheric transport schemes for long time steps. 2017-10

Contact details

0118 378 3644